We have extensive experience of creating Pay Per Click campaigns that can deliver a return on investment for your company. We can create targeted advertising campaigns to suit your budget that will get you in front of your audience and sell your products and services online.
We run PPC campaigns across platforms including Google, Bing and Facebook. Finding your audience and driving them to your website. Using a combination of powerful advertising copy, compelling images and tightly honed landing pages we will not only drive traffic to your website but facilitate their conversion into customers.
Our experience with PPC means that we know how to deliver a return on investment with our campaigns. We will plan and manage your campaign in a way that will deliver the maximum return for your advertising spend. All budgets are tightly managed – meaning that you don’t spend any more than you need to – whilst making constant refinements to streamline your campaign and make it work better for you.
We also provide monthly reporting which allows you to see what you’ve spent against the return you’ve received. Such reports will also recommendations for campaign improvements and any opportunities for growth that we have identified. Your reports will be built around your specific goals and objectives. Giving you a quick and easy way of judging the success of your campaign using data that is right for you.
evince are skilled in integrating PPC campaigns into your overall digital strategy, enabling you to increase your visibility across paid and organic search as well as social media. When using an integrated campaign, you will instantly make your online marketing even more powerful.
Contact us today to find out how evince, the Web Marketing specialists, can use Pay per Click advertising to help drive business through your website and help you pay less for your leads.