When installing a Magento extension if you get a nasty error after installation (when going to System | Configuration) that looks something like this:
Fatal error: Class ‘THE EXTENSION’ not found in /public_html/app/Mage.php on line 516
- The reason is that your complier is enabled…
- The solution is to uninstall the extension you’ve just installed using your Magento Connect Manager then go you System | Tools | Compilation, then disable the Complier. Reinstall the extension and then once it’s all working re-enable your complier.
It is best practice to always disable the complier when installing extensions and then re-enabling it once installation is completed.
Hope this helps someone!
Lifesaver dude! Thanks, I have been pulling my hair out all day
Hey no worries! I’m just glad someone out there finds my ramblings useful.