We have recently managed to get Rich Snippet Star Ratings showing up in Google SERPS!
As such I thought I’d share it with the world in the hope somebody out there will find it useful. You too can get lots of pretty stars showing up next to your listing in Google! Your click through rate will instantly increase…
Take a look at one of the sites I work on: https://www.engravedgiftideas.com/ notice the review centre feed… This snippet is generated from our UK based independent review website, Google will accept other sites but check first – as you don’t want to put lots of work into getting testimonials for Google not to accept them.
To build up the reviews when we get a happy customer we ask them to simply leave an review on: https://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews259433.html we then simply hardcoded the following into the index page:
<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Product"> <span itemprop="name">Engraved Gift Ideas</span> <div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/AggregateRating"> <span itemprop="ratingValue">4.9</span> stars - based on <span itemprop="reviewCount">128</span> reviews </div> </div>
Google picked up the Rich Snippet Star Ratings in only 2 days!
Remember to keep the index page updated with accurate data as your customer reviews grow.
I notice your site no longer shows the star ratings, and it looks like that markup has been removed from the page. Can you update us on this technique please, or let us know if indeed it is unsafe?
Hi Barry, That’s right the stars don’t show up in SERPS 🙁 About a month after this post Google decided to not to show company / site based rating stars, I guess they caught on to it! They do however still show up in Adwords, so if you are doing Adwords I totally recommend this process. I decided to take the markup off in case of any penalties (but TBH I don’t think there would have been any).
Thanks for the update. Interestingly the stars show up on the SERP for the company’s ReviewCenter page, so I might give it a go and see if I can replicate on a site page. Will let you know how I go, thanks for the info.